2015 PSLE Science Group Tuition/P6 Science Group Tuition Update (West)

Currently, I am going through the P6 Science topic Adaptations with my classes.

P6 Science Topic Adaptations

I plan to finish the last Science topic – Man’s Impact on the Environment by end of June or early July. Thereafter, selective revision on P3-P5 topics will be conducted. The topics selected will be based on the weakness of the class.

If you are interested in my PSLE Science Group Tuition, please go to Contact Me page and leave a message.

Please go to PSLE Science Class Schedule for the latest Class Schedule.

Thank you.

Group Tuition for PSLE Science 2015

Please go to PSLE Science Class Schedule for the latest Class Schedule.

My Group PSLE Science Tuition for 2015 would start on 15th November. There are currently four ongoing classes:

1. Saturday – 4 to 6pm (Full)

2. Saturday – 7 to 9pm (3 more vacancies)

3. Thursday – 7 to 9pm (3 more vacancies)

4. Sunday – 1.30 – 3.30pm (4 more vacancies)

There is currently one class with 1 student on the waiting list. I need one more student to join before I can start the class:

Saturday – 10.30am – 12.30am

Science For You
Science For You

If you cannot make it for the above timing, you may wish to consider other available timings for the Science Lessons:

1. Sunday  – 10.30pm – 12.30pm

2. Saturday  – 1.30pm – 3.30pm

3. Sunday – 4 to 6pm

I need 2 students to start a class.

If you wish to start the lesson immediately, you can opt for 1-to-1 tuition first and pay the individual rate ($60 per hour). Once another student joins the class, the rate would then be adjusted to the group tuition rate. Additional charges for that month due to the change from 1-to-1 tuition to Group tuition would be brought forward to the following month.

All the notes and powerpoints are written by me personally while questions will be extracted from assessment books and past year examination papers.

The tuition fees is $250 per 4 lesson.

Please go to PSLE Science Class Schedule or you can contact me if you need more information.

Primary 5 Science 2014 Revision Classes for End of Year Examination

With the end of PSLE 2014, I would be opening new P5 Science Revision classes starting this weekend on 11th (Saturday) and 12th of October (Sunday). The timings are 1-3pm and 4-6pm for  both days. The minimum number of students required to start a class is 2 students and the maximum number of students is 6. My classroom can seat 8 students and the 2 extra seats are for students who may need to switch classes once in a while. Please go to my Science Class Schedule for more information.

Primary Science - Inspiring Science Tuition
Primary Science – Inspiring Science Tuition

During the Science tuition, I would cover the proper techniques to answer the Science questions, especially for the structured questions in Section (B). Students would be shown the correct Science keywords and allocation of marks for each question. I consider myself a meticulous teacher and would go through all the questions thoroughly with proper explanation. Most teachers and tutors cannot teach Science well because they would just read out the answer aloud, asking the students to copy without explaining much. I would not do that. Please go to About the PSLE Science Tuition webpage and About the PSLE Science Teacher webpage for more information regarding how the Science lesson is conducted and my teaching background.

I do have some prerequisites for taking in students:

1. Student should be getting a score of 60 and above for his or her most recent Science examinations. A copy of the student’s Science Exam Paper is required for verification. (I am sorry that if your child is getting less than 60 marks, group tuition is not suitable. You should try 1-to-1 tuition from other Primary Science Tutors instead. I am no longer providing 1-to-1 Science Tuition)

2. Student should be well-behaved during lesson and at least show some interest in Science. (I am strictly not taking in mischievous students who disturb the class and other students or unmotivated students)

3. Student should be able to attend at least 75% of the regular class. (I am not taking in students who skip lesson or switch classes regularly without a valid reason or those students who are heavily involved in CCAs that prevents them from attending normal lesson.)

There would be a total of 3 lessons conducted and the fees is $187.50. Please visit the Tuition Fees page for more details.

If you are interested in the Primary 5 Science Tuition before the Semestral 2 examinations, you can contact me via the Contact the Tutor page.

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